Now ChatGPT Empowered

Close positions faster with AI-powered recruitment automation

Supercharge recruitment with our no-code messaging platform. Leverage the power of SMS staffing to automate candidate filtering and fill vacancies faster than ever.

Close positions faster with AI-powered recruitment automation
Engage candidates throughout the recruitment journey

Reach Potential Candidates Quickly

Reach potential candidates swiftly with job opportunities and career guidance, broadening the talent pool and attracting skilled applicants.

Reach Potential Candidates Quickly
Promote Job Openings

Promote Job Openings

Advertise job openings, and offer job search tips to a wide audience, boosting visibility and drawing top talent to available role using bulk sms.

Automate Interview Reminders

Automate interview reminders to ensure candidates are well-prepared and punctual, streamlining the recruitment process and enhancing candidate experience.

Automate Interview Reminders
Automate Follow-ups

Automate Follow-ups

Streamline document collection process by sending clients links to apply online, simplifying the submission of required documents for loan applications or other financial services.

Send and Receive Job Updates via SMS

Send job updates to candidates via SMS, delivering relevant opportunities and facilitating prompt responses. Receive job application confirmations and candidate availability updates via SMS, streamlining communication and response times.

Send and Receive Job Updates via SMS
Confirmation of Job Duration via SMS

Confirmation of Job Duration via SMS

Automate reminders for payments, loan due dates, and document submissions to ensure timely client interactions, enhancing efficiency and reducing the risk of missed deadlines.

Empower recruiters with automated, conversational messaging
Auto-triggered messages

Automate candidate conversations at scale and save on manual labor.

Bulk Messaging

Broadcast messages to thousands of candidates to announce new openings.

1-on-1 Conversations

Empower recruiters to engage in 1-on-1 text conversations with applicants.

Alerts and Reminders

Update applicants of their status in the recruitment pipeline. Send them instructions and reminders for next steps.

Applicant Profiling

Drive chatbot conversations with decision trees and workflows. Automate applicant screening and scoring.

Record Interactions

Capture applicant details and keep a record of all conversation history.

Hi. Thank you for your interest in our company. Can I have your first name please.
Thanks Allison. May I have your last name please.
Great. And what email address can I contact you on?
Thanks. We're registered your interest in this position. To proceed, please complete your application here
Hi Allison. Thank you for your interest in Girik LLC. For any assistance, reply HELP.
NEVER Stop Recruiting

Leverage automated conversational prompts to gather relevant candidate details. Create an indexed CRM profile for future hiring without lifting a finger. Create potent talent pipelines for hard-to-fill roles.

No more cold calling
No more cold calling

Eliminate archaic recruiting methods and engage in one-on-one 1:1 conversatiosn with candidates.

Build Stronger Relationships
Build Stronger Relationships

Capture all conversations in your CRM and personalize candidate engagement at scale.

Activate dormant prospects
Activate dormant prospects

Energize cold contacts and get them to respond to new opportunities.

Hire faster
Hire faster

Launch rich media job campaigns at scale during hiring seasons and fill positions faster.

Powerful AI capability that you cannot ignore
Resume parsing
Resume parsing

Automate resume screening with accurate data extraction and automated processing with GirikSMS's AI parser.

Candidate matching
Candidate matching

Identify top applicants using our AI powered rating system. Drive engagement with high-potential candidates.

GPT integration
GPT integration

Our GPT integration saves you time by generating AI-powered job descriptions, candidate summaries, emails drafts and more.

Built for the future-ready enterprise
salesforce logo

GIRIKSMS is 100% Salesforce native, which means you get all your conversations unified in a single console.

Want to engage applicants better and build strong talent pipelines?

Discover how GirikSMS can work for you.

Transform digital finance with GirikSMS
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