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Why Businesses Should Embrace Conversational Customer Support

Why Businesses Should Embrace Conversational Customer Support

There's a new approach to customer service that's revolutionizing how organizations work. While increasing revenue, conversational support helps organizations engage with their customer at a deeper, more meaningful level. So, what exactly is conversational support?

Conversational Sales – Definition, Benefits and KPIs

Conversational Sales – Definition, Benefits and KPIs

Salesforce customers who use a native Salesforce texting app have discovered that leads would rather talk to a sales rep than engage with a chatbot. It is now a known fact that most people prefer texts over phone calls. This is what can drive conversational sales.

Free SMS Templates for Financial Services

Conversational Marketing – Definition, Benefits and KPIs

After the digital era, marketing has advanced to what some industry experts refer to as the "era of infinite experiences." Today’s customers want personalized, one-on-one experiences with brands on their phones. And as businesses embrace this paradigm shift, they are turning to CRM-enabled texting apps such as a Salesforce SMS app for delivering next-level conversational marketing experiences to customers.

Free SMS Templates for Financial Services

Text Messaging For Schools: Improving Communication With SMS

Whether your school is big or small, independent or affiliated with other schools, interacting with staff, parents, and students can be a difficult task. In addition to keeping an eye on the results of every communication, you need to make sure the correct individuals are receiving the right messages at the right times. Schools using an enterprise CRM like Salesforce can leverage Salesforce SMS integration to set up SMS messaging capabilities in their existing CRM.

Free SMS Templates for Financial Services

Free SMS Templates for Financial Services

Customer confidence, trust, and loyalty are hallmarks of any financial services business. Whether you're an investment adviser, asset manager, bank employee, insurance agent, or offer any kind of financial services, these SMS templates for financial services, powered by a best-in-class SMS app for Salesforce can help you supercharge customer engagement at scale.

Enhancing Service Efficiency: The Impact of SMS Integration with Salesforce

Enhancing Service Efficiency: The Impact of SMS Integration with Salesforce

Salesforce, a pioneer in customer relationship management, is leading the way in revolutionizing effective customer communication In the digital age. An effective tactic for companies looking to engage their audience more deeply is to integrate a Salesforce texting app with the CRM. We'll discuss the importance of Salesforce SMS integration and how it may completely transform your customer communication strategies in this article.

SMS for Healthcare: How to improve patient care with text messaging

Improving A2P SMS Messaging With Salesforce CRM

The most widely used CRM in the world, Salesforce offers a variety of communication tools. One of those tools is SMS texting, however, it has limited functionality. For instance, the marketing, sales, and support teams at your organization may find it challenging to work together throughout the customer journey if they use Salesforce SMS messaging. This often leads to inefficiencies, miscommunication, repetitive messages, and a diluted customer experience.

SMS for Healthcare: How to improve patient care with text messaging

SMS for Healthcare: How to improve patient care with text messaging

SMS messaging provides a huge opportunity for healthcare organizations to enhance patient engagement, satisfaction, and overall patient health outcomes. Texting today is the world's most preferred mode of communication by people across all age groups. If your healthcare organization uses Salesforce to manage patients, you need a native Salesforce SMS app to leverage the limitless capabilities of your CRM.

Text messaging for recruitment: How to hire better with SMS

Text messaging for recruitment: How to hire better with SMS

In order to attract top-tier talent to your company, you must stand out from the competitors, cut through the noise, and offer outstanding candidate experiences to prospective employees. With mobile phones taking the lead in communication these days, text messaging for recruiting is a critical component of acquiring talent. And if you are an existing Salesforce customer, leveraging SMS integration for Salesforce can multiply the benefits of using SMS for recruitment.

Send SMS and WhatsApp Messages in Salesforce With the help of GirikSMS App

Send SMS and WhatsApp Messages in Salesforce With the help of GirikSMS App

The constraints imposed during the COVID-19 quarantine accelerated the innovation of digital communication. Rather than talking face-to-face, companies now communicate with customers via SMS and emails. Similarly, customers are emailing sales representatives and starting chat sessions to receive inbound service. These new models necessitate adjustments to out-of-the-box software, especially by improving its technical skills to interface with popular messengers.

How to Write SMS Text That Really Sells

How to Write SMS Text That Really Sells

Everyone texts. For the majority of us, however, texting for fun or responding to work emails is just about all there is to it.

For marketers, however, simply sending a message and having users read it is insufficient. As a marketer, you dedicate time and resources to connecting with your audience, but that is not the ultimate purpose.

Enhancing Patient Engagement: The Role of Messaging in Promoting Medication Adherence and Appointment Attendance in Healthcare

Enhancing Patient Engagement: The Role of Messaging in Promoting Medication Adherence and Appointment Attendance in Healthcare

In a world where juggling work and personal commitments is a constant, it's not surprising that individuals miss meetings and appointments. Even while some of these lost opportunities might not have much of an effect, missed medical appointments may have a negative effect on our own health.

Lead Nurturing and Enhancing Engagement with GirikSMS Chatbot

Lead Nurturing and Enhancing Engagement with GirikSMS Chatbot

What is the primary objective of marketing? Customer acquisition, right? Identifying potential customers, understanding their interests and preferences, engaging them, and nurturing those relationships for an eventual conversion is the most challenging aspect of marketing.

Understanding AI Chatbots - 5 Use Uses for an AI Copilot

Understanding AI Chatbots - 5 Use Uses for an AI Copilot

Buckle up! Artificial Intelligence powered virtual assistants, often referred to as AI Chatbots will pilot the next leg of your growth journey. Imagine composing an email in 10 seconds instead of 10 minutes, drawing insights from customer data in seconds rather than working sleepless nights, or getting the entire history of customer interactions on your smartphone in a single click. This is the power of an AI chatbot or copilot.

SMS App for Salesforce - GirikSMS

SMS App for Salesforce - GirikSMS

GirikSMS is built natively in the Salesforce platform, which makes it the Salesforce SMS App of choice for businesses to leverage organizational data to connect with customers, leads, and prospects via real-time text conversations.

The Future of AI Chatbot with GirikSMS Chatbot

The Future of AI Chatbot with GirikSMS Chatbot

Businesses are re-imagining customer interactions by leveraging AI chatbots. Whether it is handling customer queries, providing real-time customer support, or offering personalized product recommendations, businesses of all sizes are embracing this technological innovation to deliver enhanced customer experiences.

Boosting Client Acquisition: Five Text Messaging Strategies to Aid Law Firms in Generating New Business

Boosting Client Acquisition: Five Text Messaging Strategies to Aid Law Firms in Generating New Business

The legal industry today recognizes the role of technology and the value it brings to stay current in today’s fiercely competitive business landscape. Legal firms are going through a transformational shift in mindset as they pivot around technology to embrace new tools and technologies to drive growth. And leading the change is text messaging.

12 Ways to Boost Your Holiday Sales with the help of GirikSMS App

12 Ways to Boost Your Holiday Sales with the help of GirikSMS App

The holiday season is a busy time not just for people, but also for brands. This is the time when consumers love spending countless hours hunting for the best deals. Brands recognize the huge opportunity the holiday season presents to reach out to them with new products and offers. And at a time when shoppers are more than distracted with a million things in their minds, what better way to engage them than the simple old way of texting? With a 98% read rate within the first 10 minutes, texting is by far the most effective way to communicate with customers.

Top 8 Salesforce SMS Apps to Look Out for in 2024

Top 8 Salesforce SMS Apps to Look Out for in 2024

The key to business success and growth lies in effective communication. Technological advancements have introduced a variety of communication channels that organizations utilize to manage their interactions. Nevertheless, enterprises still encounter the challenge of having their emails and calls overlooked by potential clients. However, text messaging continues to be a preferred mode of business communication with a read rate of 98% as compared to emails and other channels.

GirikSMS Chatbot for Airlines - Benefits and Use Cases

GirikSMS Chatbot for Airlines - Benefits and Use Cases

Disruptive technologies such as Artificial Intelligence and smart automation are transforming the way customers interact with airlines and online travel agents. Automated interactions with AI-powered chatbots are paving the way for an enhanced customer experience, greater customer satisfaction, and reduced operational costs. The key lies in personalizing the customer experience and offering assistance at the right time, throughout the customer journey - literally.

Elevating Productivity: Why the Insurance Industry is Adopting the GirikSMS Salesforce Chatbot

Elevating Productivity: Why the Insurance Industry is Adopting the GirikSMS Salesforce Chatbot

Today around 4 out of 5 insurance companies interact with their insurance providers across multiple digital channels. It comes as no surprise therefore that insurance businesses must automate conversations to scale engagement with their customers. This is where GirikSMS Salesforce Chatbot can be very useful.

GirikSMS Chatbot Use Cases for the Financial Services Industry

GirikSMS Chatbot Use Cases for the Financial Services Industry

In today’s pandemic era, financial services have become one of the top 5 industries leveraging chatbots and conversational AI to drive the customer experience. Industry data indicates that 2 out of 3 global financial services businesses have implemented chatbots and conversational banking to comply with social distancing regulations.

Humanizing Chatbots: Creating Authentic Interactions in the Digital Age

Humanizing Chatbots: Creating Authentic Interactions in the Digital Age

In today’s digital era, technology is reshaping the way businesses interact with their audience. One such outstanding innovation that has paved the way for this transformation is Chatbot AI. The advent of AI-driven chatbots has reshaped the consumer shopping experience. The advent of AI-driven chatbots has reshaped the consumer shopping experience. Over the years, this transformation has gained traction with technologies such as Artificial Intelligence and Natural Language Processing taking centerstage. Moreover, consumers tend to favor human interactions over interactions with chatbots, which are generally perceived to be lacking the personal touch associated with humans.

Why Should Businesses Integrate Chatbots to Improve their Customer Service?

Streamlining Communication: How GirikSMS Salesforce Chatbot Benefits Businesses Across Industries

If you are one of those who buy products or services online, you've likely engaged with a chatbot in the past month without realizing it. As more businesses tap into the disruptive technology of conversational AI, the usage of Chatbots is on the rise. In fact, Survey Monkey research indicates that only 38% of customers prefer to talk with a human agent when engaging with a business. This opens a multitude of opportunities to get answers that don’t involve human conversation.

Why Should Businesses Integrate Chatbots to Improve their Customer Service?

Why Should Businesses Integrate Chatbots to Improve their Customer Service?

Effective customer service is the cornerstone of every business, and the key to earning customer loyalty is to improve your customer’s experience. Over the past few years, with increased digitization, customer expectations have evolved significantly. Today, customers expect prompt response to their queries from businesses irrespective of the time, location and channel. That’s where chatbots come into the picture. Powered by Artificial Intelligence, customer service chatbot functions as an automated tool for improving communication as they assist in providing immediate assistance to customer queries without the involvement of a human operator.

Boosting Sales and Productivity: GirikSMS Chatbot Integration for Your Business's Sales and Marketing Success

Boosting Sales and Productivity: GirikSMS Chatbot Integration for Your Business's Sales and Marketing Success

In today’s digital age, customer expectation is at an all-time high. Customers expect real-time fulfillment. They want personalized, relevant, and accurate answers faster than ever. They no longer have the patience to fill out a form to receive a quote, send an email to get price information, or wait in queues to get answers to simple questions. In short, they want answers in real-time and quick resolution to their concerns. While traditionally human agents have managed customer experiences, digital marketers across businesses are now adapting to new customer expectations while having to work with slashed marketing budgets. Marketing and sales teams are adopting emerging technology such as Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Natural Language Processing to drive more meaningful marketing and sales campaigns.

WhatsApp Salesforce Integration: A Detailed Overview

WhatsApp Salesforce Integration: A Detailed Overview

In today’s digital era, businesses require finding innovative ways to reach out to their target audience base. Being one of the world’s leading messaging platforms, WhatsApp has become an effective way of reaching customers. With a monthly user base of 2 billion worldwide, WhatsApp is recognized as a powerful business communication tool for communicating with new, as well as existing customers. In fact, businesses can leverage this robust App to increase the size of their audience, as well as the efficiency of their marketing campaigns.

Leverage Salesforce SMS App to Ensure Enhanced Customer Satisfaction

How is AI Transforming the SMS Marketing Landscape?

The success of every business lies in its customer relationship management strategies. However, over the years, customer expectations have evolved with customers expecting instant gratification. Today, text messaging has become an effective way of driving customer engagement, as well as retention. Besides being one of the cheapest methods of marketing, it provides the highest effectiveness and unparalleled reach due to the huge number of mobile users. With an open rate of 98%, SMS marketing has become an ideal channel for marketers.

Leverage Salesforce SMS App to Ensure Enhanced Customer Satisfaction

Leverage Salesforce SMS App to Ensure Enhanced Customer Satisfaction

Campaigns using text messaging are among the verified strategies that help businesses gain traction. Text messaging has become an extremely effective way of business communication. With a read rate of 98% and amazingly high conversion rates, text messaging has become one of the most effective channels of engagement that companies leverage to communicate with their customers.

What is Salesforce Live Message and What are its Benefits

What is Salesforce Live Message and What are its Benefits

The Salesforce Messaging app LiveMessage brings conversation-based service directly to your customers at the time when they need it on the device of their choice and on the messaging app of their choice. With LiveMessage, you can use bots to power conversations and automate service. Customers can also directly connect with a service agent to get instant assistance. Agents can access additional information on customers ranging from CRM data to conversation history and reply directly from the service cloud lightning console. Now they can provide intelligent answers fast.

Attain Quick Business Success by Using Salesforce Messaging App

Attain Quick Business Success by Using Salesforce Messaging App

Customers today expect an instant response to their queries besides a personalized touch. While there is no dearth of internet-powered messaging Apps that fulfill the need for instant communication, text messaging Apps continue to be one of the most effective modes of business communication. In fact, several businesses have identified and leveraged the immense potential of text messaging Apps for improving customer interactions while delivering great customer service.

6 Features and Benefits of Using a Salesforce Texting App

Increase Brand Awareness by Leveraging Salesforce SMS App

To sustain in today’s competitive business era, it’s important to provide a superior experience to customers to stay ahead. This has primarily become more important with customers being more evolved and informed. Today, customers are ultra-connected with their mobile phones, which empower businesses to provide customers with a better experience through cost-effective mobile App solutions.

6 Features and Benefits of Using a Salesforce Texting App

6 Features and Benefits of Using a Salesforce Texting App

Communication is the essence of any sales and marketing activity. To take your product or service in front of your target audience and convince them to purchase them requires communicating with them at every stage of their purchase journey and winning their confidence to lock the deal. Over the years, marketing and communication have undergone many changes, with customers and businesses being introduced to numerous channels of communication such as Emails, social media, etc., to facilitate effective marketing.

Leverage Salesforce Texting App to Better Manage Customer Relationships

Leverage Salesforce Texting App to Better Manage Customer Relationships

To sustain today’s cutthroat business landscape, businesses, irrespective of their size and business domains, leverage the CRM (Customer Relationship Management) platform to manage their customer relationships. The platform has helped organizations gain insights related to customers. However, many of these businesses aren’t aware of the benefits of integrating robust CRM systems like Salesforce with an SMS App to boost performance. A CRM integrated SMS App empowers organizations to streamline workflows, personalize communications, and improves customer service. GirikSMS App is an example of a CRM integrated App.

Leverage Salesforce SMS App to Increase Customer Engagement

Leverage Salesforce SMS App to Increase Customer Engagement

Businesses today have to deal with cut-throat competition to sustain in this competitive landscape. Besides offering high-quality products and services, a business should ensure proper communication with its customers, the life and blood of a business. Among all the channels of communication available, SMS (Text Messaging) continues to be one of the most effective modes of communication. This is primarily because of its excellent penetration power and greater open and readability rates compared to other communication channels such as Emails.

Leverage Salesforce SMS App to Provide Better Experience to Customers

Leverage Salesforce SMS App to Provide Better Experience to Customers

In today’s ultra-connected era, it’s easy to provide customers with a better customer experience with mobile app solutions. From sending personalized offers to providing prompt responses to their queries, it’s possible to be there for your customers when they need you the most with a robust mobile App solution. One such robust mobile App solution is the GirikSMS App, built natively on the Salesforce platform.

Salesforce SMS App: Paving Way for Personalized Communication

Salesforce SMS App: Paving Way for Personalized Communication

To sustain in this competitive business landscape, organizations should ensure seamless and personalized communication with their customers. This will improve customer engagement and retention besides increased customer loyalty and business growth. Though there are plenty of internet-powered communication channels that can be leveraged to ensure seamless business communication, SMS (Short Messaging Service) continues to be a preferred mode of communication.

How Can Salesforce SMS App Ensure Better Customer Engagement?

How Can Salesforce SMS App Ensure Better Customer Engagement?

Effective communication is the key to better customer engagement and retention, and communication channels play a significant role in improving customer relationships, thereby ensuring better business growth. While there is no dearth of internet-based communication channels, SMS (short messaging service) continues to be one of the most effective modes of customer communication. What sets it apart from the rest of the pack is its independence from the internet, making it a cost-effective option with a greater penetration effect. Compared to other modes of communication, SMS has higher readability and a 98 % open rate.

Send SMS from Salesforce to Enhance Customer Relationship

Send SMS from Salesforce to Enhance Customer Relationship

The Covid-19 pandemic has provided us a peep into the future where digital platforms and channels have become central to each communication and have forced organizations and customers to move ahead of the adoption curve instantaneously. The only constant was the need to get in touch with customers in a seamless way.

Better Connect with Your Target Audience Using GirikSMS App

Better Connect with Your Target Audience Using GirikSMS App

Businesses should leverage multiple channels to ensure better customer reach. However, text messages have proved to be one of the most effective modes of business communication as it offers more penetration effect than other channels such as emails. With email inboxes overflowing with multiple emails, offers, and notifications, it might not be easy for you to make customers open their inboxes. According to reports shared by Gartner, the average open rate for emails is just about 20% compared to 98% for SMS or text messages.

How can a Robust Salesforce SMS App Improve Business Communication

How can a Robust Salesforce SMS App Improve Business Communication

Effective communication is the key to business success. To ensure better customer reach, organizations need to approach their prospects and clients through multiple channels. Today, business communication is no longer an exception, with the internet being at the heart of everything. However, text messaging or SMS (Short Messaging Service) continues to be the most effective mode of communication due to its higher open rates, more significant penetration effect, and cost-effectiveness. The effectiveness of text messaging can be attributed to its freedom from the internet.

Leverage Salesforce Messaging App to Ensure Quick and Personalized Communication

Leverage Salesforce Messaging App to Ensure Quick and Personalized Communication

A robust channel of communication is essential for organizations to sustain themselves in this competitive landscape. Though there is a wide array of internet-powered business communication tools available, nothing can beat the effectiveness of the SMS (Short Messaging Service) App that has been leveraged by businesses to communicate efficiently with their customers. The tool is distinct from its counterparts, having a more significant penetration effect, cost-effectiveness, and higher open rates.

Pave the way for Seamless Business Communication by Leveraging Salesforce SMS App

Pave the way for Seamless Business Communication by Leveraging Salesforce SMS App

Text messaging has become one of the most preferred modes of business communication these days. Compared to other channels of communication, text messaging has more penetration effect and higher open rates. Though text messaging is an effective mode of communication, its interface isn't intuitive enough to fulfill businesses' evolving needs. When such an SMS App is integrated with a robust CRM platform like Salesforce, its effectiveness increases manifolds. One such robust Salesforce SMS App is the GirikSMS App from Girikon.

Boost Your Sales And Marketing Activities With An SMS Integrated CRM

Boost Your Sales and Marketing Activities with an SMS Integrated CRM

The significance of seamless communication and building a superior relationship with the target customers can no longer be denied. To build such a type of relationship, it is important to have a robust CRM (customer relationship management) platform with the provision for SMS integration.

Improve the Bottom Line of Your Business by Leveraging GirikSMS App

Improve the Bottom Line of Your Business by Leveraging GirikSMS App

As a robust and cloud-based Customer Relationship Management Software (CRM), Salesforce continues to rule the CRM space. This is primarily due to the wide array of features and functionalities, customizability, and integration capabilities offered by this innovative platform.

GirikSMS App: Helping Organizations Communicate Effectively with their Customers

GirikSMS App: Helping Organizations Communicate Effectively with their Customers

Text-messaging or SMS (Short Messaging Service) has always been a preferred mode of communication for businesses. This is primarily because of the greater penetration effect, greater customer reach, cost-effectiveness, and most importantly its non-reliance on the internet.

Ensure Greater Customer Reach with GirikSMS App

Ensure Greater Customer Reach with GirikSMS App

To remain competitive businesses are looking for new ways to promote their product and services. While there is no dearth of marketing channels through which businesses can use to promote their brand, SMS (Short Messaging Service) continues to be one of the most effective ways of doing so.